Upcycling with a Twist: Making Gooey Candles from Leftover Wax

Candle-making is an art, but what do you do with all the leftover bits and pieces of wax? Upcycling these remnants into new, gooey candles is not only eco-friendly but also a fun and creative project. This post will guide you through the process of transforming leftover wax into beautiful new candles.

Materials Needed:

  • Leftover candle wax pieces
  • Wicks (you can buy these or reuse from old candles)
  • A double boiler or a heat-safe bowl and a pot
  • Candle molds or containers (old jars, teacups, etc.)
  • Optional: fragrance oils, colorants

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Prepare Your Molds: If you’re using jars or teacups as molds, make sure they’re clean and dry. Attach the wick to the bottom of the mold using a bit of melted wax or a glue dot.
  2. Melting the Wax: Break the leftover wax into smaller pieces and melt them in a double boiler or a heat-safe bowl over a pot of simmering water. Stir occasionally for an even melt.
  3. Adding Fragrance and Color: Once the wax is melted, you can add a few drops of fragrance oil or candle dye. This step is optional but adds a nice touch to your upcycled candles.
  4. Pouring the Wax: Carefully pour the melted wax into your prepared molds. Make sure the wick stays centered.
  5. Let it Set: Allow the candles to cool and solidify completely. This may take several hours or overnight, depending on the size of your candles.
  6. Trim the Wick: Once the wax is set, trim the wick to about a quarter-inch above the wax surface.

Creative Ideas:

  • Layered Candles: Use different colors of wax in layers to create a unique look.
  • Scented Combinations: Mix and match fragrance oils to create your signature scent.
  • Decorative Touches: Embed small decorations like dried flowers or coffee beans into the wax as it sets.

Benefits of Upcycling Wax:

  • Eco-Friendly: You’re giving new life to materials that would otherwise be thrown away.
  • Cost-Effective: Save money by using materials you already have.
  • Personalized Candles: Create candles that suit your style and preferences.


Upcycling leftover candle wax into new, gooey candles is a rewarding project that’s good for the environment and great for your home décor. Whether you’re making gifts or just treating yourself, these homemade candles add a warm and personal touch to any space. So, gather your leftover wax and let’s get crafting!